
Developing the best practice of the future

DVGW has been setting standards for more than 150 years. DVGW standards provide a foundation for everyone working in the gas and water sectors. On the basis of the most up-to-date scientific and practical knowledge, DVGW defines binding rules for products and work processes in the gas and water industry. The DVGW standards build on technical trends in a future-oriented way. The main objective is to promote safety, hygiene and innovation – for the benefit of the environment and consumers. DVGW is a not-for-profit organization that operates independently and impartially. Industry specialists are involved in standardization right from the outset and are able to state reservations or make suggestions in a transparent process
DVGW has been setting standards for more than 150 years. DVGW standards provide a foundation for everyone working in the gas and water sectors. On the basis of the most up-to-date scientific and practical knowledge, DVGW defines binding rules for products and work processes in the gas and water industry. The DVGW standards build on technical trends in a future-oriented way. The main objective is to promote safety, hygiene and innovation – for the benefit of the environment and consumers. DVGW is a not-for-profit organization that operates independently and impartially. Industry specialists are involved in standardization right from the outset and are able to state reservations or make suggestions in a transparent process
Technical self-regulation in Germany
Gas and water specialist committees
Gas and water specialist committees © DVGW

The DVGW standards are a clear manifestation of technical self-regulation in Germany. Specialists from the gas and water industry shape the standards themselves and German law specifi cally refers to these documents.

This principle indicates on the one hand “best practice” solutions, on the other hand it supports the compliance with legal requirements.

The pooling of specialist competence at the national level lays the foundation for international cooperation within Europe and beyond. Within the standardization bodies DIN, CEN and ISO, DVGW plays a key role in shaping European and international standards.

Facts and Figures:

  • 2,600 expert volunteers
  • 600 codes of practice currently valid
  • 800 gas network operators and water suppliers with audited TSM systems

Current topics of DVGW specialist activities:

Security of supply Water ressources management
Energy efficiencyDrinking water protection
Power to gasStrategic asset management
Smart gridsBenchmarking
LNG / SNG / BiogasEnergy efficiency in plants and

IT security

Innovative water treatment
DVGW Set of Rules: Essential tool for gas and water experts
Learn more about what the DVGW Set of Rules is and why its translated part can also be useful outside Germany!
DVGW Standards in English
  • English translation of the most important sets of rules
  • available for international companies and institutions, users and companies in the gas and water industries
  • available as PDF download – quick and easy
  • ongoing extension of the range
Translated DVGW Standards
DVGW Set of Rules Online Plus
TRGI-Online Plus © wvgw
  • Clear, modern layout
  • Fast search functions
  • Optimized for mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones
  • Integrated DVGW standards archive
  • Information linked to each standard: relevant DVGW courses and seminars, revision status, contacts, specialist information
DVGW Set of Rules Online Plus
  • DVGW rules and DIN standards for all technical and scientific activities in the gas and water sectors
  • Order the paper version or download the PDF file directly
  • As a subscriber, read the full text of the rules, write your own notes and have access to additional content
DVGW Set of Rules (in German only)
Direct contact to wvgw customer service
The DVGW Set of Rules is distributed by our subsidiary wvgw Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH. Contact us if you would like to subscribe to the set of rules or if you have any questions about your subscription or product in general.
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