Information and Know-how Transfer

Gaining an Edge through Information

DVGW pools specialist expertise for the gas and water industry, processes this expertise and makes it available to the various target groups. The association uses a number of different channels and media for the presentation of this information. Further products and information materials such as specialist books, information brochures and databases as well as the diverse events of research institutes, subsidiaries and regional and local groups complement the information and communication portfolio.
DVGW pools specialist expertise for the gas and water industry, processes this expertise and makes it available to the various target groups. The association uses a number of different channels and media for the presentation of this information. Further products and information materials such as specialist books, information brochures and databases as well as the diverse events of research institutes, subsidiaries and regional and local groups complement the information and communication portfolio.
Information channels - different ways of keeping knowledge up-to-date

Up-to-dateness and correctness of knowledge is just as important in the gas and water sector as knowledge of the latest developments or the exchange of experiences. The DVGW uses a whole range of information channels to its members.

Some of these are briefly presented below.

The DVGW information communication portfolio is supplemented by other products and information materials such as specialist publications, information brochures and databases as well as the wide variety of events held by research institutes and affiliated companies as well as DVGW regional and local offices. - DVGW on the Internet

The website is the central online platform of the DVGW with a variety of up-to-date information. In addition, the homepage bundles the many special offers of the entire DVGW competence network. Further products and information materials such as specialist books, information brochures and databases as well as the diverse events of research institutes, subsidiaries and regional and district groups complement the information and communication portfolio.

It goes without saying that the website also contains specialist information, statements and press releases with which the DVGW reaches a professional audience.

Social Media

The DVGW is represented in the social media on

with only German-language offers in the latter five.

A special offer is the DVGW Set of Rules Online Plus website, which contains all the information on DVGW's Set of Rules. The DVGW also maintains the websites of the research associations ERIG (European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation) and WIC (Water Innovation Circle).

Specialist Journal DVGW energie | wasser-praxis

The specialist journal “DVGW energie | wasser praxis” (ewp)  presents practically oriented articles focusing on current technical developments and innovations in the gas and water sectors. With a monthly circulation in excess of 15,000 copies, ewp is the most widely distributed specialist journal in the German gas and water industry.

The DVGW energie | wasser-praxis is the official organ of the DVGW and, in addition to the latest specialist articles, it contains monthly information on the DVGW regulations and association topics. DVGW ewp only appears in German.

DVGW Publications

Here you will find English-language publications with facts and information about the DVGW, its tasks and work.

Profile of the German Water Section

With "Profile of the German Water Sector" 2015, the editors* provide an up-to-date overview of water supply and sanitation in Germany. This gives the interested public and policymakers the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about the performance of the industry, the variety of its tasks and current challenges.

*The editors:

  • ATT (i.e. Working group drinking water reservoirs)
  • BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Industries)
  • DBVW (i.e. German Association of Water Management Associations)
  • DVGW, (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water)
  • DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste)
  • VKU (i.e. Association of Municipal Enterprises)

in coordination with the

  • Deutscher Städtetag (German Association of Cities)
  • Deutsche Städte- und Gemeindebund (i.e. German Association of Towns and Municipalities)

twin (information on the drinking water installation) is a series of publications. It is aimed at consumers, plumbers, planners, architects and health authorities. They will find information on relevant issues and current topics related to drinking water installations clearly and briefly presented. This twin series addresses various issues such as hygiene, protection against contamination, type and possibilities of operation and maintenance. As a rule, twin editions appear in German only.

Translated Standards

Some standards of the DVGW Set of Rules have also been translated into English.

Information on various gas topics
Translated Standards

Some standards of the DVGW Set of Rules have also been translated into English.

DVGW Congress - Conferences and Congress

Personal exchanges of views on technology and trends are a top priority for DVGW, which is why the association organizes specialist exhibitions, conventions and conferences. The highlight of the conference year is the DVGW congress (formerly known as "gat" and "wat"), which are key events in the German gas and water sectors. It goes without saying that the DVGW also disseminates its knowledge through membership in national and international committees and institutions, its stand at (international) trade fairs such as IFAT and through the participation of DVGW employees at third-party conferences and congresses.