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European Research Cooperations

The research and development work managed by the DVGW comprises projects in regional and national contexts as well as pan-European research cooperations. It is the basis for technical development in the gas and water sector, promotes regulation and standardisation and ensures the quality of the official statements of the DVGW.

Demonstration objects; © Copyright DVGW
Research Cooperations Gas

About IGU

The International Gas Union (IGU) was founded in 1931 and registered as an international non-profit organisation in Vevey (Switzerland). The 163 members of IGU are associations and companies in the gas industry from 91 countries. The DVGW is a founding and full member of the IGU and represents the German gas industry.


The IGU's task is to promote the technical and economic development of the gas industry, which is regarded as a central component of a global sustainable energy system.

Learn more


advocate gas as an integral part of a sustainable global energy system

Our contact person at the DVGW
Uwe Klaas
Head Office / Gas Technologies and Energy Systems
Phone+49 228 91 88-821

About ERIG

ERIG is a non-profit research and development network for European cooperation in research on sustainable and innovative gas technologies and the use of natural gas in combination with renewable energies.

ERIG members represent national technical and scientific gas organisations and associations. The network offers a platform that is directly linked to research and in the member countries, be it at universities or in industry. The research portfolio of the ERIG members covers all aspects from gas production to gas utilisation in different markets.


The ERIG innovation network aims to develop the role of gas by improving the efficiency of the energy conversion processes associated with gas in the household, commercial and industrial sectors, in particular with regard to gas applications and other technologies. In addition, the aim is to improve the safety, reliability and economic sustainability of the European gas infrastructure system and gas storage facilities and to expand the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel for long-distance land and water transport.

European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation
  • Founded in 2015 by seven scientifically and technically leading associations in the gas sector
Our contact person at the DVGW
Hans Rasmusson
ERIG Secretary
Phone+32 2786-3000
Research Cooperations Water

Water Europe

The European Water Platform was initiated by the European Commission in 2004 to increase the competitiveness of the EU water sector through cooperation in research and technology development. In 2007, Water Europe became an independent legal entity under Belgian law. Today, Water europe has above all an advisory role for the EU Commission in shaping research programmes and in defining water-related research priorities and key topics. Currently, 16 thematic working groups offer a very successful environment for the exchange of information and networking and the formation of consortia for research proposals.

Members and DVGW commitment

Six of the more than 150Water Europe members, including the DVGW, are from Germany. The DVGW is represented in the Water Europe Innovation and Technology Advisory Board iTAB, which advises the Water Europe decision-making bodies. The iTAB is primarily involved in steering the existing 16 thematic working groups and initiating new working groups.
In 2015, the DVGW Head Office and the DVGW Water Technology Centre TZW jointly launched the new Water Europe Water and Energy Working Group. The working group, whose 24 founding members come from Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and Spain, will initially focus on the following issues in particular:

  • Energy efficiency in water management
  • Water and energy recovery, conversion and storage
  • water and the energy sector, e. g. oil and gas sectors
  • Integration of water and energy infrastructure

Overall goals of Water Europe

Water Europe is in close contact with the EU Commission and other European initiatives in the water sector to give water-related issues the necessary importance at European level. Water Europe's actions are oriented towards the following objectives:

  • Promoting collaborative, innovative and integrated European research and technology development
  • Ensuring competitiveness and growth of the European water sector
  • Providing global responses to the next generation of global challenges
  • Orientation towards integrated and sustainable water resources management
Water Europe (WE)
Water Europe
  • advises the EU Commission on the design of research programmes
  • more than 150 members in Europe
  • by 2030 the European water sector will be regarded as the global leader in the provision of safe, clean and affordable water and sanitation
to Water Europe website
Your contact person at DVGW
Dr. Mathis Keller
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Technologie und Innovationsmanagement
Phone+49 228 91 88-727