To the extent that globalisation is advancing, cross-national cooperation is now crucial to success - also for the DVGW. DVGW has always been firmly anchored in Europe and the world, and attaches great importance to its international commitment - be it in the field of standardization, research, know-how transfer or communication. Find out everything about our partners, projects and perspectives.
The DVGW is committed at international level; ©
DVGW has always been firmly anchored in Europe and the world, and attaches great importance to its international commitment - be it in the field of standardization, research, know-how transfer or communication. Find out everything about our international memberships.
CEOCOR is an international scientific non-profit association.
CEOCOR brings together hundreds of specialists from:
The international exchange of experiences and technical know-how ensure the objectivity and the independence of CEOCOR activities.
EurEau is the European association of national associations for water supply and sanitation. With over 600,000 employees, this sector is one of the pillars of the European economy. EurEau was founded in 1975 by the six founding countries of the European Union in Brussels as an association of national associations of water supply companies. In 1998 EurEau merged with the European Wastewater Management Group. With its members, EurEau has extensive know-how and expertise in water supply and sanitation and represents the sector in Brussels.
EurEau represents the common interests of its members vis-à-vis the EU institutions and informs them of developments at European level. This ensures that members are able to deal appropriately with the opportunities and risks arising from EU policies and their national implementation. In addition, EurEau promotes the exchange of its members and thus the networking of international water management.
The International Gas Union (IGU) was founded in 1931 and registered as an international non-profit organisation in Vevey (Switzerland). The 152 members of IGU are associations and companies in the gas industry from 90 countries. The DVGW is a founding and full member of the IGU and represents the German gas industry. In recent decades, DVGW has always supported one of the 11 IGU committees.
The IGU's task is to promote the technical and economic development of the gas industry, which is regarded as a central component of a global sustainable energy system. The organisational structure of the IGU covers all areas of the gas industry from exploration and production of natural gas, both onshore and offshore, gas transport and distribution as well as the use of gas. Every three years, IGU organizes the World Gas Congress (WGC), which is the largest international event in the gas industry. The DVGW has so far organised three IGU world gas congresses (Hamburg 1967, Munich 1985, Berlin 1991).
The International Water Association (IWA) was founded in September 1999 from the merger of the International Association of Water Quality (IAWQ) and the International Water Supply Association (IWSA). It sees itself as a worldwide association of all water specialists and has set itself the goal of promoting science and practice in the entire water sector. In contrast to the DVGW and the DWA (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall - German Association for Water Management, Sewage and Waste), the IWA does not pursue its own regulatory activities. IWA is a non-profit organisation based in London. In Germany, the interests are bundled by a separate national committee and represented in the IWA. As part of its international commitment, DVGW is a full member of the IWA.
Since the merger of the two predecessor organisations, IWA has also been increasingly active in the immediate political environment in order to defend the interests of safe and sustainable water supply and wastewater disposal with appropriate vigour. In view of 1.1 billion people without access to safe drinking water, 2.4 billion people with no orderly sanitation and 2 billion people, mainly children who die each year from diseases caused by contaminated water, the importance of IWA's commitment and the need to work in the political arena in addition to professional exchanges becomes clear.
IWA's main activities include regular conferences, of which the two-yearly World Water Congress, the Leading Edge conference series and special theme conferences are the most important. Regular publications within the scope of periodicals, the member magazine The Source and a newsletter complete the IWA's range of services. In addition, a large number of IWA members work in working groups dedicated to specific issues from the entire water sector.
MARCOGAZ is the representative body of the European Gas Industry on all technical issues.
Its' aim is to monitor and take influence when needed on European technical regulation, standardisation and certification with respect to integrity and safety of pipeline systems, equipment, and the rational use of energy.
Transformation of national contents in European and international standardisation is very important. With it's engagement in European and international standardisation work DVGW plays a part in this design process.